Monday, 6 May 2013

Turning the page

Trying something new is always accompanied with mixed feelings; will I succeed or will I fall flat on my face? Starting this blog was no different but with a few power thoughts I find myself writing;"after all what is the worst thing that can happen?" as my mum always says.

The journey of life is made up of many pages which form different chapters. I recently started a new chapter in my journey and turning the page was an emotional path accompanied with a lot of changes including status, name and geographical location. The funny thing about this situation is that I choose it and although I had over 10 months to get ready, it felt like I walked through a door which lead to a slippery floor and everything around the hallway was on free fall mode. I must say though the steps I took towards this door were full of pomp, glamour and celebrity style celebrations. 

Such highs rarely last very long and i quickly woke up in a new town, empty house and with a husband. The page was turned and the writing needed to begin. Overwhelmed with the responsibility of converting a space into a home coupled with the "people's opinions" of how a wife should behave I felt paralyzed. I missed my life yet this was it, everyday felt like I was chasing to catch up with what had now become my life. The change felt drastic with one minute I'm studying abroad, traveling the world and hoping for a very fulfilling career in the health sector; and the next minute I'm sitting in my house developing a new routine. Though in reality this change took months to happen emotionally it felt like it all happened within the hour.

Five months down the road the lines on my page are slowly filling up with words. I somehow caught up with my new life, it is full of great experiences and new discoveries. Just like any journey the road unwinds as you keep moving forward. My journey has just started in this new chapter and the pages will continue to turn as I move forward. So far i have learned that change however good or bad is accompanied with a spiral of emotions and only when they subside can I get to see the opportunity. In this case it has allowed me to discover a new hobby and has brought forth the "Chronicles of a coastal housewife". 


  1. The uncertainties of life can surely throw us off balance, however, when we have our feet on the ground, life begins to make sense! On another note, I think you should be a part time model while you simmer into your coastal house wife role!

  2. Love it!! Awesome read. Looking forward to the next entry :-)

  3. As you embark on this beautiful and fulfilling journey that is writing...take with you your heart and writer's instinct...for that is all you need...Cheers to you on your first post!! :)

  4. Wow! truly awesome... not only the depth of the content but also the blend and marriage of words.

  5. Oh wow this is such a lovely read and the imagery .....mind blowing. Cant wait to read more....

  6. one word to describe it..Awesome! cant wait to read the next one

  7. I love your use of words to vividly capture the start of a journey, because that's what it is. Life is a journey, filled with many paths, rivers, rainbows, sun n moon, valleys and mountains and once in a while u find a rock under which to hide as u weather the storms. You only begin living once you embrace life. Looking forward to the next entry.
    Je, kutakuwa na upishi pia, weka entry wa mke nyumbani! (Keep on smiling)

  8. Chronicles of a Coastal Housewife, I am reading.....

  9. You are very beautiful; your hubby is a very lucky man.GOD bless you, hubby and the little ones to come.

  10. lovely work of art,cant wait to read more..

  11. This is so encouraging and peaceful Hannah, keep up sharing what God has blessed you with Gal. God Bless your life and marriage, miss you!
