Tuesday, 12 February 2019

Leadership Labor - The Voice from A Boy's Heart

"Leadership labour - is a word coined to describe the emotional agony boys go through because they are naturally expected to be leaders." - Crystal Perk ltd

As a young boy, eager to explore the world,
he goes out gathering sticks and stones to build his imagination,
a young girl walks by and sees him happy with his find,
immediately the expectation he needs to share with her settles in,
tears and wailing leave her mouth - yet he needs to practice to say no,
Leadership labour is on his heart as he sits quietly in the corner.

Age and maturity soon follow,
but mum always said share and be kind,
he missed the chance to develop the NO muscle,
girls begin to take advantage of him and never acknowledge his sacrifices,
Leadership labour is on his heart as he sits quietly in the corner.

In relationships, we walk into their lives with a list of expectations,
It is not our fault that is what TV, sweet valley high and chicken soup taught us,
he tries his best to meet the expectations, but every new dawn the list only gets longer.
nobody really taught him how to handle it yet his expected to know,
Leadership labour is on his heart as he sits quietly in the corner.

At work, we all get individual contracts and job descriptions,
but in the morning, we see him walk through the door and,
add our duties to his, with a smile and a promise for lunch,
taught from a young age to be a gentleman and kind,
he picks up your slack to make sure peace prevails,
Leadership labour is on his heart as he sits quietly in the corner.

The pain, lack of appreciation and vocabulary to articulate their emotions,
soon is received as aggression, followed by inconsiderate behavior,
all they needed was a chance to say I do not know, I cannot to do it, help me,
but that environment continued to be elusive,
Leadership labour is on his heart as he sits quietly in the corner.

Their roles and responsibilities have changed, 
things like provision and security are no longer the only yard stick,
as they find their new selves, social pressure and mental health is not giving them a break,
let us all start asking, "how can we help?'', and lift the weight from the 
Leadership labour on his heart as he sits quietly in the corner.

Thanks for reading. 😊😊

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